Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Teachers Pay Teachers...

Today I uploaded two items on Teachers Pay Teachers. This is my first educational post. You can catch the first item for FREE! It's an Active Inspire Flipchart (Promethean Users) on Non Standard Measurement. I have already had 9 to download it. My second upload was a power-point I created for teachers to use to practice subtraction fluency with whole groups, small groups, or as they see fit. I am selling the PPT for $2.00. I plan on uploading the complete set over the summer. I just want to see if there is a market for PPTs. We shall see... I had fun anyway! It's all about sharing. :)

~Buzzing through Life~

Check out my TPT site:

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Summer Time and Blueberries!!!

Today I went outside to check on my blueberry bushes. My husband told me the night before that I had a lot of them ready to pick.Well, for the past 5 years, I have not even had a cup. So as I walked in my backyard, I was so surprised to see so many. THEY WERE HUGE! I picked the ones that were ripe and ready to pick. I was amazed to see I have so many left. I can't wait until they ready.  

Anyway, I also noticed how beautiful the flowers were too. My sweetheart does such a beautiful job gardening and landscaping our yard. I had to take a few pictures to share. I hope you  enjoy them as much as I did.

One of the three Blueberry Bushes

Branch full!!!
I can't believe I filled up this whole tub!
Beautiful Flowers

My sweet babies wanted to go with me to pick blueberries.
I love them...such lovable dogs.