Saturday, January 26, 2013


Hooray! I was nominated for a Liebster Award from Get in the Game with Mrs. Barcomb  This is for new bloggers that have less than 200 followers which I definitely qualify for!! I am excited and honored to receive this! Thanks Mrs. Barcomb!

1. You must post 11 random things about yourself.

2. Answer the questions that the nominator set for you.

3. Create 11 questions for the people you nominate.

4. Choose 11 other blogs with fewer than 200 followers to nominate and link them in your post.

5. You cannot “tag back” the other blog, but leave a comment on this post with the URL of your Liebster post so I can learn more about you & see whom you nominate.

So here are 11 random things about me:
1. I am a 2nd Grade teacher in Georgia.
2. I am a twin.
3. I am a young grandmother to a sweet granddaughter of 9 months, Camren (Cami). I love being  a grandmother.
4. I married my best friend.
5. I love to read. My favorite authors are: Karen Kingsbury, Francine Rivers, and Nicholas Sparks.
6. I love to go to the movies.
7. When I was younger, I coached a dance team for two years.
8. I have two basset hounds: Dolly Ann and Brodie
9. My Lord is my savior. I should have posted this as number one.
10. I never want to stop learning new things. Especially with education.
11. I was an Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority member in college.

Here are the questions from "Get in the Game with Mrs. Barcomb."

1. If you had lots of time and no financial worries what would you do? I would volunteer time in schools to help teachers reach those students that need one on one time. It's hard getting help these days.

2. What is the best part of teaching? I love being able to use new technology in the classroom.
3. What hobbies do you enjoy? I love taking pictures and reading.
4. Are you ready for the Holidays or a last minute shopper? I am a last minute shopper.
5. What was the best vacation/ trip you ever took? The best trip would be a cruise we took to Mexico. It was so fun and relaxing.
6. Share the funniest kid story you have since teaching. Well this story is funny but gross at the same time. I was teaching a unit on the Earthworm. When we were deep into conversation, one of my students shared..."Oh, those are the worms that come out of a cat's butt! My cat did that one time!"  I had to hold back my laughter.
7. Do you have any pets? I have two dogs. They are basset hounds, Brodie and Dolly Ann.
8. Do you have any tattoos? No
9. What kind of music do you listen to? Pretty much anything. I like contemporary Christian Music, Pop, and Country.
10. If you could invite someone to have lunch with you who would you invite? Wow, that's a hard one. I really don't know. Maybe I'll think on that one for awhile.
11.What do you watch on tv? I love Nashville and Chicago Fire.

Here are my questions for you:
1. Why did you choose teaching?
2. Matthew Mcconaughey or Channing Tatum?
3. What is your favorite time of year?
4. What is your favorite movie?
5. If you could do something very daring, what would you do?
6. Where did you go to college?
7. What is your passion?
8. If you had a choice to choose another career, what would you choose?
9. Most remembered  moment in life?
10. What's your favorite subject to teach?
11. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?


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